8 Ways to Save Money When You’re Moving

Selling Your Home

By Demetri Stakias

When the Real Estate Relief team helps a homeowner exit their property, we are committed to so much more than a transactional exchange. Our team of certified Real Estate Relief Advisors is devoted to providing the highest level of care to our clients. We’re here to guide you through the entirety of the process and provide you with the care and guidance we would hope to receive when going through a period of transition, such as selling your home and moving to a new one.

We’re happy to advise you in whatever ways you need to make the home buying and home selling process as simple and straightfoawrd as possible, and we’re here to offer help where we can along that journey.

Maybe you’re relocating and have already gone over budget on first and last month’s rent because you absolutely fell in love with the place (no regrets, the view is perfect). Perhaps you’ve gone through the process of buying your first home and putting down a downpayment and want to cut costs where you can to afford that bathroom remodel sooner. Or you’re simply a thrifty person who is always looking for ways to optimize their budget and save where it makes sense.

Moving is often a source of unnecessary annoyances and hidden costs. Between hiring movers, buying packing supplies, and transferring utilities, the costs of moving can quickly add up.

If you’re looking for ways to save on your next move, read on for Real Estate Relief’s 8 Ways to Save Money When You’re Moving.

  1. Declutter before you move
    One of the easiest ways to save money during a move is to declutter before you pack. Take some time to go through your belongings and get rid of items you no longer need or use. You can sell these items online or have a garage sale to make some extra cash. Donating items to charity is also a great way to reduce your moving load while helping others.
  2. Use free packing supplies
    Moving boxes and packing supplies can be expensive, but there are many ways to acquire them for free. Check with local stores and businesses to see if they have any unused boxes they can give away. You can also use items you already have at home, such as suitcases and laundry baskets, to transport your belongings.
  3. Compare moving companies
    Before you hire a moving company, compare rates and services from several different providers. Don’t be afraid to negotiate and ask for discounts. Some moving companies may offer lower rates if you move during the off-season or on a weekday. 
  4. Pack yourself
    While it may be tempting to hire a packing service to do the job for you, packing yourself can save you a significant amount of money. Start early and pack one room at a time. Label your boxes clearly and keep an inventory of what is inside each box. This will make unpacking much easier once you arrive at your new home.
  5. Move during the off-season 
    The peak moving season is typically from May to September. If possible, try to schedule your move during the off-season to save money. Moving during the winter months or on a weekday can often result in lower rates from moving companies.
  6. Plan to transfer utilities 
    Before you move, make sure to call your utility companies to schedule the transfer of your services. This includes your electricity, gas, water, and internet service providers. By planning ahead, you can avoid paying for overlapping services at your old and new homes.
  7. Sell unwanted items 
    Selling unwanted items is a great way to make some extra cash before your move. Consider holding a garage sale or selling items online using platforms such as eBay or Facebook Marketplace. This can help offset some of the costs of your move.
  8. Use a shipping service for bulky items
    If you have large or bulky items, such as furniture or appliances, consider using a shipping service instead of a moving company. Shipping services can be more affordable and offer more flexible scheduling options. You can also compare rates from several different providers to find the best deal.

By decluttering, using free packing supplies, comparing moving companies, packing yourself, moving during the off-season, planning ahead for utilities, selling unwanted items, and using a shipping service for bulky items, you can significantly reduce the costs of your move. With a little planning and effort, you can make your next move more affordable and less stressful.