Core Value Spotlight: Restoring Communities

Core Values

By Demetri Stakias

Today’s featured Real Estate Relief core value is Restore Communities.

When we talk about restoring communities, rather than simply “improving” communities, we emphasize the importance of restoration and contributing to something where our efforts are needed, and a significant impact can be made.

The core value of Restoring Communities also establishes our purpose to serve — to give beyond ourselves.

While there is room for improvement and growth and upgrades to already great things, I think we owe it to our communities to do what we can to create impactful, meaningful change. 

This value is the first and perhaps most important. It establishes our purpose to serve — to give beyond ourselves.

The impact of our individual actions can vary, and some actions may seem truly insignificant, it is nonetheless essential that we keep going. 

There are days when our contribution can be immense. Oftentimes, we do not know the impact we have on others, and something that seems small may have a tremendous impact on those around us.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” ― Mother Teresa

When it comes to restoring communities in the context of real estate, we have an opportunity to improve our surroundings in a very visible, marked way. When we flip a house, it’s not just a matter of profit. When we look at a run-down, eyesore of a property, we lean in, instead of looking away or rushing past. This under-loved house has the potential to be restored into someone’s home, a cozy oasis from the outside world, a design lover’s dream. Not only can we make something more functional, but we can make it beautiful. We can contribute to our communities through leading by example (another of our core values) and creating something we and our neighbors can be proud of.

There are so many reasons a property can lose its luster. Perhaps the owner was unable to care for their home due to old age. Perhaps it was a vacant property that was broken into. Circumstances outside of our control can lead to our inability to care for things that need our care. 

The Real Estate Relief team understands that these things happen, and it’s why we are so passionate about helping homeowners exit their property when it is no longer bringing them the joy and peace that they deserve to feel. We’re here to help and we’re ready to listen and answer all of your real estate questions.

Our team at Real Estate Relief is passionate about restoring communities, and it is an honor for us to be able to contribute to the improvement and beautification of our city. There are so many ways we can help to make our communities thrive, and it’s inspiring to see volunteers and community members and organizations all over the city helping to contribute to this mission.

One such organization that we wanted to highlight is the Philadelphia Parks & Recreation Street Tree Office. Did you know, as a Philadelphia homeowner, you can get a free tree planted on your street? Seriously! Philly Parks and Rec wants you to have a free tree! Just fill out this form, and a member of the Parks department will help assess the location and a volunteer will come to help you plant a tree on the sidewalk in front of your home.

Trees not only improve the look of the neighborhood, but they also help to provide shade, improve air and water quality, decrease flooding, and improve the overall mental and physical health of residents. When a street is more beautiful, we have more of a desire to be outdoors, to spend time admiring its blooms in spring.

There are so many opportunities for improving our surrounding communities, we just have to look for them. Just as we discussed in our blog about sustainability and the impact that certain sustainable practices can have on improving communities, there are hidden opportunities for us to improve everywhere. There are incentives for adding solar panels to your home, to starting community gardens, and much more. You just have to look for them! It’s all about asking yourself, “How can I be of service to my community? What is one thing I can do today that will create an impact?” You’ll be amazed by how many ways there are to help.

The Real Estate Relief team looks forward to featuring more programs and organizations that contribute to restoration of communities and help our neighborhoods thrive together. If you have an organization you’d like to feature, or if you’re interested in sponsorship from the Real Estate Relief team at your next community event, please use our contact form to reach out or dial us directly at (305)4-RELIEF.